I've been working on a lot of Katas past few days. Some of them have been trivial and some more challenging. Generally, before I start on a kata I will watch a kata cast before trying it. This gives me a good idea of where I need to go before starting. However, it doesn't really simulate a real life situation very well. In real life you are given a problem and you have to solve it without any clue what the solution might be. So, before I started the bowling kata I decided not to watch the kata cast or look at any previous solutions. It took me a lot longer to come up with the solution than I thought it would. It was significantly harder to write the algorithm with out knowing the solution ahead of time. However, I think it was very valuable to approach the problem without any preconceptions. My algorithm was very messy. I took in an array of rolls and looped over them to sum up the score. The algorithm was really long with lots of duplicaiton. So I decided to make the problem smaller. I refactored so that I was taking in an array of rolls and returning an array of frames. This refactoring allowed me to stop looping once I have reached the maximum amount of frames, 10. It is also a lot easier to test. I can test special frames (strikes, spares, and the 10th frame) without passing in an entire game. So, through this kata I learn a valuable lesson of continuing to break the problem into smaller chucks. Here's the final product.
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