In my last post I mentioned that my Minimax algorithm would overflow whenever I tried to calculate moves on a 4x4 board. I attempted to solve this problem by converting the Minimax algorithm to a tail recursive algorithm. This worked fine, however, it was really slow. So, I needed to search for another way. Another apprentice here suggested that I pass in a depth limit to my algorithm. So, I refactored my original forward recursive algorithm and have it working. Through some trial and error I have found that in order to maintain unbeatably, the max depth must be at least 5 on a 3x3 board and 7 on a 4x4 board. So, here is my fast and scalable Minimax in Clojure,
(defn- forward [player board alpha beta game-state-fn max-depth depth]
(let [state (game-state-fn board)]
(if (not= state (game-states :playing))
(* -1 (+ (get-state-score player state) depth))
(if (>= depth max-depth)
(scores :draw)
(loop [alpha alpha open-spaces (board/open-indecies board)]
(if (or (empty? open-spaces) (>= alpha beta))
(* -1 alpha)
(let [score (forward (players/get-other-player player)
(assoc-in board (first open-spaces) player)
(* -1 beta) (* -1 alpha) game-state-fn max-depth (inc depth))]
(recur (max score alpha) (rest open-spaces)))))))))
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